Sherab Chamma Ling Retreat Centre — Realizing Our Vision
We want to build a permanent retreat centre here in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. The vision to create this centre is one of the fundamental projects of Sherab Chamma Ling, the Tibetan Bon Buddhist Society and GesheLa, our beloved teacher.
Throughout the years, we have been fundraising toward this goal and progress has been made. As the pandemic took hold, we vacated our our downtown location in Courtenay and our sangha went online. We continued to meet weekly online via Zoom on Tuesday nights and for online workshops and retreats.
In lieu of a purchased location for our centre, we recently found a new space to rent for our weekly Tuesday night sessions. The space is located at 120 Headquarters Rd, Courtenay, BC V9N 3S2, just above Comox Valley Refrigeration.
You can join us each Tuesday night in person at this location, 7-8 pm (PDT). Doors open at 6:30. If you want to help with setup, the doors open at 6 pm.