The 21 Manifestations of Sherab Chamma
Do you want to go deeper into your Sherab Chamma practice?
This important fundraising event will allow you to focus on your practice and take transmission from Geshe Yong Dong. The Annual Spring Retreat is being offered exclusively online using Zoom, the easy-to-use online video streaming app.
Click here to go to the Sign-up page
Geshe La, A Tibetan Buddhist Lama, will be teaching on The 21 Manifestations of Sherab Chamma.Sherab Chamma is the Wisdom Loving Mother of all beings and all Buddhas. All Bon deities come this wise mother. This is a powerful practice for the extreme situation that confronts humanity. This teaching is presented as a personal retreat in your home. It’s a great opportunity to meet and practice with Geshe La and other like-minded practitioners of the Bon Buddhist tradition. This online event will allow you to participate as if you were in person with Geshe La and the Sherab Chamma Ling community. Our safest place right now is at home in isolation. Whether you are home with your family or home alone, this teaching on Sherab Chamma is a powerful practice to pierce the fear that this crisis has stirred up for many of us. Geshe YongDong will focus on the 21 manifestations of Sherab Chamma and their subsequent meditations, healing purifications, mantras and visualizations. We do this practice so we may connect with Sherab Chamma, the highest deity in the Tibetan Bon Tradition. These powerful practices benefit everyone, bringing personal and global healing to fears, suffering, sickness and obstacles. This retreat will enable all practitioners to invoke the unbounded wisdom of the Loving Mother to initiate inner transformation and joy. Participants will receive transmission on these practices from Geshe La during this 21-day practice. Please join us for a heart-filled retreat of connection and learning.
What you will receive:
Sherab Chamma textAudio of 21 Manifestations of Sherab ChammaTransmission and instruction throughout the 21 days Important Dates: March 7-28This will be a daily guided practice for 21 days + once-per-week Sunday teachings with opportunities to ask questions. Time Daily: 8 – 9 am PSTTeaching Days: SUNDAYS from 9 – 10:30
Click here to go to the Sign-up page