Join Lama Geshe YongDong and explore the Tibetan Yungdrung Bön tradition of Sleep and Dream Yoga
One third of a human life, or approximately 30 years is spent in sleeping. What if we can control our dreams and use them for spiritual and creative growth? Shamans have used dreams as a form of divination ever since ancient times; therefore they would ask the spirits, who they had a strong sense of connection with, for help in specific problems. Many of the ancient texts contain important teachings and transmissions on dream yoga. Zhang Zhung Nyan Gyud, the Mother Tantra and the texts of Shardza Rinpoche were traditionally kept secret as a sign of respect and as a protection from misunderstanding. Shardza Rinpoche was a great Tibetan Master who, when he died in 1934, attained the body of light, a sign of full realization. He wrote that the dream practice was a central importance in his spiritual journey and integral to his attainment.Tibetan Bön masters recognized the potential that dreams hold for deepening self-awareness that leads to spiritual awakening. The fundamentals of dream yoga are methods that use meditation, breathing and the four energy deities as a spiritual practice to discover and recognize our true nature of mind – our Buddha nature. Lama Geshe YongDong will show us how to develop sleep and dream yoga, leading to enhanced creativity and spirituality in this major fundraising event.
Friday October 2: 7pm – 9 pm
Saturday October 3: 9 – 10:30 and 2 – 3:30
Sunday October 4: 9 – 10:30 and 2 – 3:30
Cost: $95 CA (cost includes a copy of the recorded Zoom retreat for your library)
*Pacific Daylight Time, Vancouver (GMT-7)
This retreat is online-only and is delivered via Zoom. If you don’t have Zoom installed on your computer, click here.