The Heart Drop Practice
The Heart Drop of the Loving Mother Practice called Chamma Ningtig, or Jamma Ningtig, helps us to connect with our own primordial awareness which is beyond one’s ego state of mind.
Wisdom and unconditional love, or loving kindness, is the foundation of this sacred teaching. Loving kindness to oneself and others is practiced through the eyes of the heart – The Heart Drop.
Chamma Ningtig blissfully transforms one through the realization of this, the loving mother’s practice.
This practice can help us overcome obstacles of the physical and emotional body to help us and all sentient beings reach enlightenment.
Lama Geshe Yong Dong will guide us via practices that engage our inner organs, senses and elements to transform and liberate our consciousness. The Heart Drop practice increases our positive qualities of loving kindness, peace and wisdom.
During the retreat, Geshe La will use mantra, meditation, visualization and offering rituals as aids to explore this practice.
Open to all practitioners
The weekend retreat is open to seasoned practitioners as well as beginners. Participants will receive transmission from Geshe La. This is first time Geshe La will give transmission of The Heart Drop practice at Bon Da Ling, Costa Rica
In-person in Costa Rica or join us on Zoom
The retreat will be available in-person in Costa Rica and online via zoom.
How to register for the event
This event is being hosted and presented by Bön Da Ling, Costa Rica, a sister sangha to Sherab Chamma Ling. Please note, because this retreat is not being presented by Sherab Chamma Ling please direct all inquiries to [email protected]