A 21-day Buddhist Practice
Take this opportunity to spend 21 days practicing the 21 Manifestations of Sherab Chamma with Tibetan Bön Buddhist Lama Geshe YongDong! This Buddhist practice series happens online, each morning for 21 days. Geshe YongDong will lead you through your practice and provide transmission. Book the retreat here!
Sherab Chamma is the Wisdom and Loving Mother of all beings and of all Buddhas. All Bön deities come from this wise mother. A focus on the 21 Manifestations of Sherab Chamma and their subsequent meditations, healing purifications, mantras and visualizations, will allow all practitioners to benefit from and connect to Sherab Chamma. These powerful practices benefit everyone, bringing personal and global healing to fears, suffering, sickness and obstacles. This retreat will enable all practitioners to invoke the unbounded wisdom of the Loving Mother to initiate inner transformation and joy.

What you will receive
- Sherab Chamma text
- Audio of 21 Manifestations of Sherab Chamma
- Transmission and instruction by Geshe La throughout the 21 days
- Sunday meetings to build community and ask questions
Jun 14 – Jul 4, 2023
This will be a daily guided practice for 21 days + once-per-week Sunday teachings.
Monday-Saturday: Practice, 8-9 am PST
Sunday: Teaching, 9-10 am PST
On Sundays, participants will have an opportunity to talk as a group and ask questions about this Buddhist Practice. This opportunity for community will strengthen and support you and your practice!
How to Join Us:
This event is being presented as a donation-only practice series and is open to everyone to join.